The Prostate gland is present only in males and can also affect urine control. Size of the prostate depends on the age of the person, walnut-sized in younger men and larger size in older men. When the cells of any human body start growing and continues to grow beyond control, it starts forming cancer cells. Prostate cancer grows really slow and it begins when cells in the male prostate gland start growing uncontrollably.
There are multiple types of prostate cancer:
- Adenocarcinomas
- Sarcomas
- Small cell carcinomas
- Transitional cell carcinomas
- Neuroendocrine tumors
Adenocarcinomas is the most common type of prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer does not have any noticeable symptom until it grows to the advanced stage. But, these are the symptoms that one needs to be aware of:
- 1. Frequent and urgent need to urinate (especially at night)
- 2. Pain in the rectum
- 3. Burning sensation while urinating
- 4. Early signs of erectile dysfunction
- 5. Blood in semen
- 6. Decreased urine flow
- 7. Blood in urine
- 8. Swelling and pain in the legs
- 9. Body-ache and fatigue
- 10. Painful ejaculation
Risk Factors of Prostate cancer:
- 1. It’s generally very rare in men within 45 years of age. But, older men are more likely to develop this (especially men over 60 years of age).
- 2. It has a higher risk if someone in the family is already suffering from prostate cancer.
- 3. You’re already at risk if your diet consists of a heavy intake of processed vegetable oil, trans fat, alcohol, caffeine and refined sugar.
- 4. Men have an estimated 1 in 7 chances of developing prostate cancer.
Men who’ve survived prostate cancer are at a very high risk of numerous other health problems and even a higher risk of getting any other type of cancer. Such as:
- Thyroid cancer
- Melanoma of the skin
- Thymus cancer
- Bladder cancer
- Small intestine cancer
- Soft tissue cancer
Make sure you follow-up with your doctor and let them know about any other problem or symptoms you’re facing, even after being treated. This could be caused by any new disease or any by cancer coming back.
Tips to avoid prostate cancer:
- Avoid food that contains fat and go for a low-fat meal instead
- Increase the amount of fresh fruits, veggies and fish in your daily meals
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Keep yourself hydrated and exercise regularly
- Stop smoking
- Limit your dairy products intake
- Consult a doctor
Even though living healthy will reduce your risk of prostate cancer but it still cannot eliminate it completely. If you’re older than 40 years of age or if you have a family history, you should consider a regular prostate-specific antigen test.